Docuword. Automate document workflows. Be accurate. Save time.

Document Workflow app to automate document autofill.

Be accurate. Save time.

In just 4 easy steps:
  • Add your template documents.
  • Create your data rules.
  • Auto fill documents in 1 click.
  • Download filled documents.

Docuword, our document management workflow software auto fills your Microsoft word documents and PDF files with information extracted from other documents, text fields or csv files.

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automate updating word documents using text fields

Text field(s)  Word docx document(s)

Use: Populate multiple documents with metadata for 1 person or entity

Upload your template documents. Define a collection of template tags with matching text values.

Updates multiple Microsoft word docx files with a single click.

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automate updating word documents by parsing PDF documents

PDF(s)  Word docx document(s)

Use: Scraping and extracting data from 1 or more Pdf files and populate multiple documents.

Configure what data to extract from a PDF by defining 'search points' and define matching template tags for insertion into a word doc.

Updates multiple Microsoft word docx files with a single click.

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batch automate updating word documents using a csv file

Csv  Word docx document(s)

Use: Creating many documents from the one template from a source of multiple records

Each line in the csv file will produce a unique Microsoft word docx document. Configure the mapping between tags in the word document and columns in the csv file.

Creates multiple Microsoft word docx files from 1 or more templates with a single click.

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automate updating word documents that require multiple steps

Project Workflow (Experimental)

Use: Create a workflow where documents require multiple steps to complete processing

Using the project name for your workflows, define each step in the workflow by referring to the project.

Creates multiple documents from 1 or more templates with a single click.

Read the guide - Coming soon

Create/Edit workflow
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